The POINT is’ an inspired piece of creation that started last night and turned into a gift to the school that invited me to speak to their incoming grade 9’s. It was truly a beautiful authentic experience that reminds me to keep going.. I gave them a choice and the overwhelming response was the black […]

Patience & Agility

When the door closes in your face, you must be patient and agile enough to climb ladders to access attic windows and get on your knees to access basement crawl spaces. When you gain access, walk around confidently like you built the place with your bare hands and don’t forget to open the door from […]

Sacrifices of the Dream

It was a few years ago that I stumbled upon this dream during a rather nightmarish period of my life, and without any road map, except some inspiration along this journey, I have been at it. The tide is now changing and I want to bring you along for that ride. I feel it necessary […]

Fear of Historical Proportions

We don’t want too much history, just a little will do. We don’t want our children tainted by those grim pictures painted way back then. We want them to remain innocent, you know, just riding their tricycles in the neighbourhood, God forbid you should try and teach them about life in the hood. Canada’s wonderland, […]

Digitally Speaking

Being a creator of digital content can be such a challenge, I’ve found. We are definitely living in a digital world, and Digital Immigrants sometimes lack the self assuredness that Digital Natives possess in content creation. (Digital Immigrants…persons from the stone age…like me….Digital Natives…our kids born with tech. (gold) spoons in their mouths). There are […]